Seesawing through life


Life balance and wellbeing are such buzz topics these days. Both personally and professionally as a woman, wife, mum, yoga teacher and therapist they touch many different areas of my life. How can I get life balance and keep my wellbeing in harmony! Is it possible to not turn into a frazzled, buzzing mess or end up in the foetal position in a corner rocking away when things get......well crazy! Yes, I think so.

I have found that the intention of creating space in areas of my life allow me to reconnect my body and mind. This in turn then leads to my seesaw of wellbeing and life balance to gentle hover somewhere in the center and to be well…..more balanced and harmonious! But let’s be honest in today’s world this is far easier said than done for so many of us. Even when we get it, to then maintain this balance and harmony is a challenge in itself. We are easily distracted, over stimulated, constantly competing with perfection and in many ways disconnected – our seesaw is usually very lopsided and we are either scuffing out butts in the dirt or soaring up so high we are holding on for dear life. So can we balance out and not scuff our butts or lose our minds in the wind.

Space – space for ourselves and I don’t mean a day at the spa (although that would be nice 😊). This concept of space however is foreign for many of us. I have found that by intentionally creating space and boundaries in my life that I have been able to tilt that seesaw back towards center and to hover there for longer intervals than I have done so before.

Let me see if I can explain this concept for you…..join me at the kitchen sink 😉

Imagine our bodies and minds are sponges! We fill our life’s up with work, activities, expectations and stresses and just as a sponge does we get very soggy! We haven’t been squeezed out – we haven’t created space. Instead we are water-logged, droopy and falling apart. With learned tools and techniques, we can start to create pauses or sponge squeezes into our daily life – we create space…..see where I am going. It doesn’t however have to be an hour long run or yoga session (although these also work), it can be a few moments throughout your day that space has been inserted or a sponge squeeze initiated! Maybe you take your morning smoko outside without your phone or finishing work 10 mins early so you get a moment to yourself, perhaps it’s taking slow intentional breaths before you head into a work meeting or becoming aware of how you are physically moving when you hang out the washing or do the dishes. You squeeze and reset!

These actions maybe small but they are mighty and so by squeezing your sponge throughout your day you start to find that your seesaw is hovering a little more towards center, a little more balanced. By allowing your movements and your stillness to create space you are in turn honoring yourself and bringing a bit of awareness into your day.

As international yoga teacher, author and inspirational speaker Kino MacGregor said “Change only happens in the present moment. The past is already done. The future is just energy and intention.”

So, just do it – maybe by making space your new best friend you will find a sense of balance and then in return of wellbeing – who knows until you give it a go.

Sending magic from the mat,


Kim xx